Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The twin cities is not left alone to fight the gangs

   In this video we see how ICE and the police of the twin cities along with Bloomington and Richfield work as one under Operation Community Shield. The operation began with one goal: to protect the community from the violence that gangs have raised across the country. A few years ago ICE and the police field had a successful raid of gangs arresting 18 gang members (15 from Vatos Locos and 3 from Sur 13).

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The action that has been taken by ICE and the police force are great ways to lessen the amount of violence that we have been having across the twin cities. Just in this raid 18 gang members have been caught but since 2005 more than 17,000 gang’s members have been arrested, charged and deported. This initiative under Operation Community shield is a great way to arrest gang members and slowly get them out of the streets, making it safer for other residents. Through this video I am able to see that police and Ice are both taking these matters into account but I don't see why the gang members who don't have previous charges on them just get deported without paying any time. In my opinion they should pay time and then get deported for they are going to immigrate back anyway. If they don't immigrate their self they will just recruit back in there home country and create more violence and eventually manage to get back to the U.S. like many immigrants who come back after being deported.
Therefore we don't only have to target those gang members that are here but should also create a system in which we can keep track of there attempts to immigrate back because if they manage to come back they might just be kept hidden by other fellow gang members. This will keep them hidden and they might just become the master minds of the gang.

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